Compassion: Not Just a Personal Virtue Compassion, often touted as a personal virtue, has a crucial place in the professional realm. A compassionate workplace fosters an environment where employees are encouraged to not just be workers, but to be humans first. It recognizes the fundamental truth that every employee, regardless of their role or responsibility, experiences life with its full spectrum of joys and sorrows, triumphs and tragedies.
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Compassion in the Workplace: A Key Ingredient…
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Compassion: Not Just a Personal Virtue Compassion, often touted as a personal virtue, has a crucial place in the professional realm. A compassionate workplace fosters an environment where employees are encouraged to not just be workers, but to be humans first. It recognizes the fundamental truth that every employee, regardless of their role or responsibility, experiences life with its full spectrum of joys and sorrows, triumphs and tragedies.